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Thursday, June 19, 2008

All is Well

Those were the words I read most days in a signature on the unassisted childbirth forum. They started to sink in then I realised they came from Abraham (a group of spiritual beings who are channeled by Esther Hicks). I bought a book called Ask and it is Given several years ago I didn't read it all as it seemed far fetched and how could all be well. I just thought it was a load of twaddle. But this time I thought what if, what if they are right and the law of attraction does work, what if we ARE supposed to be happy joyous beings. I have written before that I think that if we all  got ourselves sorted out then we'd spend far less of our lives worrying about other people and things that we can not change.
So, I have taken onboard the idea that all is well, what has happened has happened. I can't change that, I can appreciate the good things and let go of the past. All desires are registered by the universe and when we are ready to increase our vibrations to joyous and to allow the desire to manifest then it will.
In the past I have felt my vibrations and mood lift sky high on a raw food diet then got unnerved about the height and fallen hard. This time I am not eating raw all the time but my mood and vibrations are lifting. I am consiously thinking positive thoughts, trying to let go and have fun and trying out singing. I was told I sang flat as a child and have always done so. Now I have let go and started singing anyway. It uplifts my spirits and I just know that singing flat will soon be all in the past.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Tiny Homes

I bought a magazine about eco-housing this week and it had an article about small cheap housing. I really think the tiny house looks excellent. It uses less stuff to build, heat etc. You have less space so are obliged to have less stuff. The idea that it is cheaper also means less time working to pay off loans. Some of them have lots of glass which makes them feel spacious. A tiny house combined with a covered area outside and a greenhouse would be the ultimate in green living. I have been drawing plans, it would be great to build one in the garden. That said we already have more building than we use, we don't always think we have enough space! We had been talking about expanding over the stable so Flo could have her own room, maybe we just need to look at things in a new light and start some serious clutter clearing.
I found a blog about tiny homes which shows lots of great examples.

Monday, May 26, 2008

My Garden

Things are growing really well, the nettle forest is enormous and I hope we will leave them long enough to collect the seeds; We ate loads of young ones cooked. Today I made a flat bread of sunflower seeds and nettle but that is still in the dehydrator. The nettle kraut got really stinky and I threw it out. It tasted odd, not off but not really very appetising. I'm sure I'll try again one of these days.
My website now has loads of pictures and detail of what is going on in the garden at the momment so please check it out.

Red Slug Syrup

The childrens coughs went on and on in fact they are still coughing occasionally so I cracked and made some red slug syrup and recommended by a neighbour and by Dr Vogel in The Nature Doctor. There is a recipe and pictures here


We had a lovely week in Corsica in April staying with some friends who a have a smallholding.
I've put some pictures here

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Web Site

I have started my website about wild food, green food, growing food, fermenting food etc. It is an on going project so please keep coming back for more.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Frustration, Canser and Bugs

All my kids are coughing, Flo and Eben the most. Flo missed two days of school and Eben is still home. They eat well and I've tried homeopathy, vitamins etc. I was appalled to find aspartame in the Vit C tabs I bought, not a good idea for the kids. Part of me is saying that I need to up the defensive, force the green smoothies down them etc, part just says 'you've failed, put it in the hands of the doctors'. I just want their bodies to be able to fight this off not going to doctor for drugs which might  fight the bugs but not help them in the long term.
I don't think the fact that my Mum has canser (I'll spell this the same way as Kris Carr does on her CrazySexyCancerBlog ) helps, she has bowel canser and has had a week of chemo and radiation, and is now on a third week of radiation. To me the treatment is nearly as frightening as the idea of canser itself. She is fighting tho and my brother is staying with her and has embraced the raw food concept so I know she is eating well.
I just feel helpless against bugs at the momment. I'm stepping up my lacto fermenting efforts in a bid to out bug the badbugs with goodbugs.


Dandelions are popping up all over the place at the momment. Most people collect the blanched ones in mole hills but I pick the green bitter ones now. Sometimes I make a dressing for them with honey in or at others I cut them up fine and add to another salad. Last night I mixed them with spring cabbage, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and ginger. It was a tasty mix. I also made sunflower seed paté which I served with tomato, cucumber and celery. It not the season for tomatoes and cucumber yet but I just fancied something different.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Nettle Juice!!!!!

There are fresh young nettles shooting out all over the place.
I have juiced them for the first time. Read more on my wild green blog.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Uk Trip

We are off to the UK for 10 days tomorrow. There are lots of people for me to show off my darling daughter to!
I like to see my friends but would really much rather stay here at home. The weather is great and I just want to get on with the garden. I still have time to plant more fruit trees and bushes and then I can start with greening up the ground with all ediable plants. Should be fun. See you soon.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Mouse Mischief

About 2 weeks ago I put some washing on. The machine seemed to be working but finished quicker than I expected. I went to open the door but it was still sealed and full of water. I tried various settings on the dial to get it to empty out but nothing worked. I turned the machine off and thought I'd wait till Griff got home. Later on I was standing in the kitchen preparing dinner, Arwen was in her little car seat looking on and I suddenly heard the machine door and a woosh of water. Gwils had opened the door, turning it off had unlocked the door! I got it shut so not quite all the water came out. There was Arwen in the middle of the puddle looking like she was sailing a boat. I ran for my wet and dry vac to get the water. We have a very old tiled floor which is lain on compacted earth so great for absorbing water!
Griff checked the pump and filter and found a euro coin so we thought it might have been that, but no it still wouldn't empty. We got quite a technique of emptying part of the water into a flexy bucket and sucking the rest with the hoover! We decided it must be the pump and ordered one for 30 euros on the internet. It arrived and still didn't work. So either there was a blockage somewhere or we needed a new machine. Griff removed the drain pipe from the pump and blew up it, sure enough it was blocked. Our machines drain pipe joins to another then goes out side into fatter tubing and into the garden, great for watering in the summer. We seperated the two pipes and there it was a big lump of fluff, or so we thought, on closer inspection it was a mouse. It had come up the pipes and got stuck at the join where it narrowed. We removed the mouse and everything worked fine. Good job we didn't buy a new machine.
Today I put a wash on and the same thing happened and low and behold another mouse up the tube. Are they on some suicide mission?

Saturday, February 02, 2008

2 Mes

Somedays I get really confused as to who I am. I feel like there are two of me. There is me who is relaxed and cool, at one with myself and the rest of the world, I get excited about healthy food and exercise and just love life. Then there is the me who wants to eat chips, roast meat and cream, who wants coca-cola and wine, is irritable and grumpy and shouts a lot.
I guess it is part of a process, once I was just the second person, before I discovered healthy eating and exercise and listening to the inner voice of intuition. Now I am getting closer to being the real me but the old me still hangs around frustrating me and the people around me. I don't seem to know how to say goodbye, it was nice knowing you and you have taught me lots of lessons but now it is time to pack up your bags and leave. Sometimes I really feel like I am letting go but part of me jumps in and brings the bad habits back.
Change isn't easy, not for me anyway.

Wheat Grass

In the absence of wild greens at the momment due to snow I have been juicing wheat grass. Wheat grass juice was a creation of Ann Wigmore. It contains 92 different minerals, beta carotene, vitamins B, C, E, H and K. It has 19 amino acids, lots of enzymes and is 70% chlorophyll. It is extremely good for. Taste wise its a bit strange but I think its worth it for all the good it is supposed to be doing. I use a manual juicer it works extremely well and I am very happy with the result. Once I start juicing wild greens too then I might upgrade to something like this. Champion juicer . Wheat grass and other juices can also be added to smoothies or diluted in water to make them more palatable.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Wild Green Cuisine

This is the name of my new blog and upcoming website. I'm am fascinated by all the greens and wild foods we can eat and how good they are for us.
My belief is that if we covered all the worlds cultivated lands with first fruit or nut trees then fruit shrubs or perenial tall greens and followed by greens on ground level then we would have enough food for all to live a healthy life. In the absence of interested farmers then all people with gardens could start on this and feed themselves.

Shopping with kids

Sometimes I love shopping with my smiley children, I see the looks of peoples faces when they are smiled at and I'm so glad I took my kids with me. Other times I am amazed by the gloom, a toddler smiles and is full of the joys of spring (summer, autumn or winter) and people say 'oh they're happy now, but just wait they'll see what life is really like!' It makes me so sad that these people just can't see it!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day 3 raw. Whoopee!!!

Well I've managed 2 days of raw so far and am starting the third well. I've been eating fruit and loads of green salads, I've had a little raw ham and cheese to help with cravings. The cravings aren't  too bad as I am ready for this. Lots of carrot juice and rejuvelac too. I cheated with a baked potato last night as I had done them for the kids and after their salads they didn't want them, it seemed a shame to waste them! I really didn't need it though it was just piggery.
I have just read Green for Life and Wild Fermentation. Both books are very inspiring and I have tried a green smoothie, not bad, and have my first batch of saurkraute started in the kitchen.
On Monday I felt great, I now feel a little tired but am not worried about that, I'll get through!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Growing Grass

Why is Mummy growing grass on the windowsill when there is so much in the garden? Florence's comment about my wheatgrass! I have bought a manual juicer so plan to try it out. I'm not really sure how much I'll need for a few drops of juice but I'm going to try it in the next couple of days. Then when spring comes I'll be trying wild greens in there. Its not suprising I worry about people thinking I'm mad is it?


To you!
Thats my aim anyway, but I'm struggling, I'm craving bread like mad and keep giving in. I have loads of things in the freezer that have to be eaten too. I have made up a plan which leaves once or twice a week to use up some of the stuff in there but I'm still finding it hard. Its like having 2 personalities. One is heavy, dull and eats badly and the other is bright and sparky and light. The problem comes when the bright sparky person manages to get out due to good diet and exercise and I look at myself and say who the hell are you? I don't know you, with all this energy you're going to have to do much more, people will think you are strange, no more treats, just being odd for the rest of your life. Then I give in and go back to my previous habits. Why do we do this? I know I am not alone, What are we afraid of?